CLICK HERE FOR a nice review of the In-Appropriated Press on the zine review site Broken Pencil. Unfortunately they conflated William Repass' poem with Aaron Andrews' report on an Air Mattress Armada outing, but we can't blame them too much considering the chaotic layout.

In other mOnocle-Lash news:
- 1.) More delays getting out Synapse contributor copies, thanks to USPS woes from (intentional-thanks deJouy) mismanagement, have patience...
- 2.) I'm about 6 weeks behind on answering emails, 4-5 months behind on postal correspondence/trades. It'll happen eventually.
- 3.) Nearly all activity's been stopped for a month as I deal with the end-of-semester workload in the job that pays; editing will recommence on forthcoming titles (by J. D. Nelson, Irène Hillel-Erlanger, Alan Reed, Rachilde, and Olchar Lindsann) and new journal issues (Rêvenance, The In-Appropriated Press, Synapse, & Cupcake Train) by mid-June.