
Performance Poems, Readings, and Musical Sets
(excludes Anti-Cabarets & total-situation events)
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed set incorporating noise-poetry and textual poems "Rodentia p'Ranked" , "m ill eNiall salveiors" , "SprRitualistic Mediumist-Miss'ive 1 (Ls;Ln)" & "Shitkick Pickup"; on set with Tater Fraterabo, Feral Catscan, Lena Gray, Spirit Trap, Sean Regan, & Whisker Stress, at closing event for exhibition by Jacob Courrington. Alexander Heath Contemporary Gallery, Roanoke, VA. Jan. 24, 2025.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed set incorporating noise-poetry and textual poems "Anti-Prophesy ('the cave where the suomafni crab...')" , "Dog Lump" , "STEAMetaSTASIS" & "t ,Rip"; on set with Blake Hornsby & Sean Regan. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Aug 15, 2024.
  • Apparition Catalogue Vol. 10. Performed solo set as part of noise & performance series, incorporating noise-poetry and textual poems "Conveyor of Musk" , "Friendly Fumes" , Scandal of Spasm" , "Foment erMent Rameters" , & "Ender Times"; on set with Collapsing & ReV DeD. Newport Community Center, Newport, VA. July 20, 2024.
  • Olcha Bong. Performed from "Sheen" , "truction grash" ,  "Théâtre of Operation"  & "Big Drums" with free improv group Elka Bong. AfterMAF  Festival, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke VA. June 29, 2024.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed set incorporating noise-poetry and textual poems "Toucan't Cancan" , "The Fin-Raft's Last Dentist" , "Jour of em nation" , "Sprung Song" , "Waste-Digging Songe" & "Course  of  Thot h". AfterMAF  Festival, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke VA. June 29, 2024. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 29, 2024.  
  • Improvisation with Big Sphinx. Performed improvised noise set with Big Sphinx (Tom Law). AfterMAF  Festival, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke VA. June 29, 2024. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 29, 2024. 
  • Conversation Piece. Performed score by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE w/Wilheim Katastrof. AfterMAF  Festival, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke VA. June 29, 2024. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 29, 2024.  
  • Performed in scored performances and poems by C. Mehrl Bennett, during her set at the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 29, 2024. 
  • Performed in simultaneous poems by Michael Basinski, during his set at the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 29, 2024. 
  • Arthur Dies. Performed passages from forthcoming Arthur Dies, Chronicle II, Volume 2. On bill of the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 28, 2024.  
  • Jennifer Weigel's Performance Playpen. Coordinated/MC-ed and participated in group actions from scores and props sent via the post. AfterMAF  Festival, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke VA. June 28, 2024.
  • Daisy Art Fest. Performed solo poem "Catcall" on post-celebration stage after Daisy Art Parade. Elmwood Park Amphitheater, Roanoke, VA. April 13, 2024.
  • Daisy Art Parade. Marched/performed with noise-making krewe in community art parade. Downtown Roanoke, VA. April 13, 2024.
  • Noise Poetry. Performed noise-poetry set on bill with Banshee, Collapsing, & the King of Herrings. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 2, 2024.
  • Abstract Sound Show. Performed 5-minute improvised sound piece remotely by phone, for afterparty event of Incubation Veils exhibition. Vox Populi Gallery, Philadelphia, PA. Feb. 2, 2024.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed noise-poetry set incorporating elements of textual poems. On Bill with Minimal Disturbance (Jack Wright & Ron Stabinski) & Mr. Thursday. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Jan. 16, 2024.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed "Grave Cud", "Entative", "Hockup Nugget", "Wonkish Boat Board argon Yawp" & solo improvised noise poetry. On bill w/Adam Lion & Goat Tube. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Sept. 4, 2023.  
  • Free Improv Collaborations organised by Adam Arritola: 1.) w/Arritola, Josh Hebdon, Benb Gallaher, Crowmeat Bob, & Ralph Eaton; 2.) w/Arritola, Crowmeat Bob, & Eaton; 3.) w/Arritola, Hebdon, Paul Keily, & Ralph Eaton. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 17, 2023.
  • Ode to Walter Wright. Improvised Collaboration w/Cilla Vee & Tater Fraterabo.  On bill of the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 23, 2023.  
  • Arthur Dies. Performed passages from forthcoming Arthur Dies, Chronicle II, Volume 1. On bill of the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 23, 2023.  
  • Pan Modernist Bouzingo Revival Meeting. Performed piece written by Mark Bloch, w/ tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, Reid Wood, & Warren Fry. On bill of the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 23, 2023.  
  • Pinball, Or Something. Performed in piece composed by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, w/ John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, Reid Wood, Warren Fry, & Wilheim Katastrof. On bill of the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 23, 2023.  
  • Text, Sound, & Noise Poetry. Performed "Nox", "O Hick Grass-Hick And Hick Crick", "Catcall", & improvised solo noise poem. On bill of the AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 23, 2023. 
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed simultaneous-poetry with John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, Reid Wood, Jon Foster, Warren Fry, & Wilheim Katastrof. AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 23, 2023. 
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed "Wait Where'd Bill Go", "Jettison", "Obi", "Vowal", & solo improvised solo noise poem. On bill with Elka Bong (Al Margolis, Walter Wright, & Tom Law) + Cilla Vee, Ralph White, Mr. Thursday & Goat Tube. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. May 20, 2023. 
  • Feline Dirge. Performed improvised noise poem; on set w/Blake Hornsby, Tater Fraterabo, & Llewelyx. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. April 10, 2023.
  • Post-NeoAbsurdist Simultaneous Poetry. Performed set of four simultaneous poems with W. Fry, W. Katastrof, M. Blafas-Chriss, & B. Chriss; on bill with Emotron, Mr. Thursday, Bradley Chriss, Llewelyx, & Goat Tube. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Nov. 19, 2022.
  • "Aireye", and noise poetry. Performed commissioned piece "Aireye" with Binary Canary (Kyle Hutchins & Ted Moore), as well as solo improvisation set. On bill with Mr. Thursday, Pat Green & Ralph Eaton. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Oct. 8, 2022. 
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed "KHoraus", "sWeAT-ERALLsh", "Last Supper", & solo improvised solo noise poem; and as performer/writer in Be Blank Consort group. On bill with John M. Bennett & C. Mehrl Bennett, Jack Wright & Ben Bennett, Rotty What, Mark Perry, and Be Blank Consort. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 5, 2022.  
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed "Bit", "trePan", & "pon Empty", & improvised solo noise poem. On bill with tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Cookie Tongue. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 12, 2022. 
  • Post-NeoAbsurdist Simultaneous Poetry. Performed set of six simultaneous poems with W. Fry, W. Katastrof, B. Chriss, M. Blafas-Chriss, & Juanita Chriss; on bill with Emotron, Kyle Hutchins, and Tater Fraterabo. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. March 19, 2022.
  • Soul Sessions. Frequent participation in weekly Poetry Open Mic. Read in 2022Feb. 23: "Plague of Pig"; March 16: "Scandal of Spasm" & "Holy Quibus Spout"; March 23: "Fenelme's Song of Merlin and the giants dance again", from Arthur Dies, Chron. I, Vol. 5; April 6: "a Runk Gide" & "A Procedure"; May 11: "No-Boy on Vacation" & "Gumbo Storm"; June 8: "Sugar Street" & "Billet d'Amour"; July 6: "Anti-Prophesy" & "pen Livre"; Aug. 17: "Last Supper" & "Algaeic Testament". Verses Cafe & Ursula's Cafe, Roanoke, VA.
  • The Apocalypse Crunchmen. Lectured and performed 90 minutes of historical and contemporary sound poetry, with W. Fry, T. Butkovic, & Richard Brewster. Winter of Poetry Series, Center for Connection + Collaboration, Asheville, NC. Dec. 30, 2021.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed "Accostitch" , "FrigId Draft" , & "In AcCurate Stance", & improvised solo noise poem. On bill with AG Davis, Lune Offline, & Mr. Thursday. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Dec. 22, 2021.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed Profanity Poem, "Mishalp", "Cremental Gobble", & improvised solo noise poem. On bill with Emotron, Andy the Doorbum, & Llywellyx. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Sept. 18, 2021.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed "Dirge for a Warbling Vireo", Albert-Birot's "Song 3" (1917), "Or Doct, or Sirhughes", "Conveyor of Musk", & improvised solo noise poem. On bill with Walter Wright, Okapi, & Goat Tube. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 7, 2021.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Performed "a Runk Gide", "No-Boy on Vacation", Freytag-Loringhoven's "Heart" (1920), improvised solo noise poem, & improvised collaboration with Seligmann, Hutchings, & others. On bill with Niccolo Seligmann, Kyle Hutchings, & Mr. Thursday. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 29, 2020.
  • Text & Noise Poetry. Improvised collaboration with Minimal Disturbance (Jack Wright & Ron Stabinsky), incorporating poems "t ,Rip" and "@ Coeur't". On bill with Mongoose Van (W. Fry & Cambria Storms) & Mark Perry. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Jan. 17, 2020.
  • Soul Sessions. Frequent participation in bi-weekly Poetry Open Mic. Read in 2019: Sept. 25: "Swansong Tombeaux (for Steve Dalachinsky".  Oct. 9: "Tech'no Vision" & "@Coeur't".  Nov. 20: Passage of Vivienne's Lament for Constantine from Arthur Dies, Vol. I, Tome 1.   
  • OLDEB. Improvised electronic noise/poetry collaboration with Tater Fraterabo. On bill with Artist Jackie & Philosophy Inc. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Aug. 17, 2019.
  • Sound & Noise Poetry. Improvised collaboration with Jack Wright & solo set of sound poems and noise improvisation. On bill with Slack and Jasper Avery. Vox Populi Gallery, Philadelphia, PA. July 28, 2019.  
  • Sound & Noise Poetry. Improvised collaboration with Jack Wright & solo set of sound poems and noise improvisation. On bill with Boueffe and Beige. Willimantic Records, Willimantic, CT. July 27, 2019. 
  • Sound & Noise Poetry. Improvised collaboration with Jack Wright & solo set of sound poems and noise improvisation. On bill with Al Margolis & Matt Luczac, and Matt Bachmann. Kingston Arts Collective, Kingston, NY. July 26, 2019. 
  • Sound & Noise Poetry. Improvised collaboration with Jack Wright & solo set of sound poems and noise improvisation. On bill with Ghandhi/Larocca/Milberger, Aaron Rubinstein, and Matt Gannon & Jack Potz. Crunch House, West Haven, CT. July 25, 2019. 
  • Sound & Noise Poetry. Improvised collaboration with Jack Wright & solo set of sound poems and noise improvisation. The Book & Puppet Bookshop, Easton, PA. July 24, 2019. 
  • Sound & Noise Poetry. Improvised collaboration with Jack Wright & solo set of sound poems and noise improvisation. On bill with Jenny Moon Tucker & Sarah Hughes, and Anna K. Crooks & Jarett Gilgore. True Vine Records, Baltimore, MD. July 23, 2019.
  • Art Rat All Stars. Participated in mass-improvisation at AfterMAF Anti-Fest. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 6, 2019.
  • Sound & Noise Poetry. Performed 'S.tandards O.f L.earning' & 15-minute improvised Noise Poem. AfterMAF Anti-Fest. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 6, 2019.
  • Neural Necrosis. Performed with Andrew Matthews, Tater Fraterabo, Ralph Eaton, & others in improvised harsh-noise set. AfterMAF Anti-Fest. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 5, 2019.
  • The Ursonate. Performed full hour-long sound poem by K. Schwitters. AfterMAF Anti-Fest. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 5, 2019.
  • Post-NeoAbsurdist Antics. w/ W. Fry & W. Katastrof. Performed Simultaneous poems, PNA Anti-Choir, and two sketches. AfterMAF Anti-Fest. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 5, 2019.
  • Post-NeoAbsurdist Antics. w/ W. Fry & W. Katastrof. Performed Simultaneous poems, and sound poems written spontaneously by audience. AfterMAF Anti-Fest. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 4, 2019.
  • Noise Poetry. Performed 14-minute set of improvised noise-poetry on set with the King of Herrings, Mr. Thursday and Throwaway. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 11, 2019.
  • Performance Poetry. Performed 14-minute set including sound- and noise-poetry, "The Immortal Accursed", "Cremental Gobble", "Olvido" by J.M. Bennett, "sssorts", "If But Not", & other pieces. On set w/ Inspector 34 & The Llywelyn Expedition. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Jan. 20, 2019.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed 20-minute set including the Screaming Chicken sketch, 'Bit', 'Mishalp', Vowel-Strings from the Gnostic Gospels (Zostrianos and Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth), and 15-minute improvised noise-poem; on set w/ Soporus, Honeybrandy, & Graven Image. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Nov. 3, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed 10-minute improvised noise-poem w/ pop-bottle counterpoint on set w/ Obody & Dover and the Elevators. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Aug. 29, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed 15-minute improvised noise-poem on set w/ Brode-Thayer Duo (Lucas Brode & John Thayer) & Kaily M. Schenker. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 28, 2018.
  • Neural Necrosis. Performed with Andrew Matthews, Tater Fraterabo, Wilheim Katastrof, & others in improvised harsh-noise set. AfterMAF 2018. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 14, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed 30-minute set: 'Angular Fugue', Exorcism-Chant for the Day's Events, & 15-minute improvised noise-poem. AfterMAF 2018. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 14, 2018.
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed as part of Simultaneous Poetry group w/ John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, W. Fry, W. Katastrof, B. Chriss, B. Bowers, R. Wood, &B. Counihan.
    AfterMAF 2018. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 14, 2018.
  • Arthur Dies. Performed 30-minute selection from third installment of epic poem (see 'Autonomous Books'), w/performance elements by W. Fry. AfterMAF 2018. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 13, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed 2 solo pieces ('Bit'; and improvised noise-poem. On set with Bats from Pogo (Andrea Pensado & Walter Wright), Lauren Tosswill and Robert Imhuman. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 7, 2018.
  • Witchtig. Performed poem by David Beris Edwards as part of Post-NeoAbsurdist set.
    AfterMAF 2018. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 14, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed 3 solo pieces ('Agence'; improvisation upon the letters P, K, & T; improvised noise-poem w/hambone elements); and simultaneous poem ('Charnel Chapel') w/B.Chriss & W.Fry. On set with Decide Today and Beyond the Borders. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. March 27, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed improvised noise-poem and participated in Art Rat All-Stars improvisation. On set with Durian Brow (Ben Bennett & Zach Darrup) and Schenker & Keeling. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. March 18, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed improvised noise-poem focused on labial, dental, and pallatal sounds & techniques from beatbox & eefing. On set with Human Host, The Llylewyn Experience, & the Art Rat All-Stars. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 23, 2018.
  • Rats: 60 Years of Ralph Eaton. Performed celebratory Profanity-Poem roast of Ralph Eaton & distributed accompanying 8-page satirical pamphlet, on set with W. Fry, M. Ames, & the Art Rat band. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 11, 2018.
  • Sound Poetry. Performed passages from Schwitters' Ursonate and improvised noise-poetry, on set with Id M Theft-Able, Mr. Thursday, and Stool Sample. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Sept. 18, 2017.
  • Decide Today. Performed "S.tandards O.f L.earning," two other poems solo, and three simultaneous poems with B. Chriss & W. Fry, on programme with with Decide Today (Cincinnati) & five regional sets. Aug. 13, 2017.
  • Last Living Night on Earth Improvisation Showcase. Cambria McMillen-Zopf. Sound Improvisation w/Jules Vasylenko. On programme with Waif, McMillen-Zipf, Moss Kingdom, and Kaily Moon Schenker, Peat Bogs. Art Rat Studios, July 28, 2017.
  • AfterMAF Leftover All-Stars. Sound Improvisation w/W. Katastrof, on programme w/Dybbuk & J. Vasylenko. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 12, 2017.
  • Clown Shoe Wars. Pseudo-competitive game by R. Eaton, with W. Fry, Isabelle Long & J. Woodstock. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 9, 2017.
  • Anti-Sermon. Dramatic performance of texts from the Nag Hammadi manuscripts and Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 9, 2017.
  • Don't You Fucking Smile. w/W. Fry & W. Katastrof. Performed 20-min. simultaneous poem by D.B. Edwards. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 8, 2017.
  • Vocal Improvisation. Collaboration w/ Jack Wright and Jay Jay. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 8, 2017.
  • Dance-Sound Poetry Improvisation. Collaboration w/ Cambria McMillan-Zopf AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 8, 2017.
  • Performance Poems. Performed 15-minute set of "Vowal" , "Nation || State" , "Catcall", and improvised noise-poem. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 8, 2017.
  • Stool Sample. Participated in collective performance at AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 7, 2017.
  • Arthur Dies. Performed 20-minute selection from forthcoming second installment of epic poem (see 'Autonomous Books'), w/accompaniment by B. Chriss & W. Fry. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 7, 2017.
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed simultaneous poems scored by self & others; w/J.M. Bennett, J. Woodstock, C.M. Bennett, Reid Wood, W. Fry, T. Butkovic, B. Chriss, Tom Cassidy, & Brian Counihan. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 7, 2017.
  • Two Post-Neo Simultaneous Poems. w/W. Fry & B. Chriss. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 7, 2017.
  •  Three Post-Neo Simultaneous Poems. w/W. Fry & W. Katasytrof. AfterMAF 2017. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 6, 2017.
  • Dance-Sound Poetry Improvisation. Collaboration w/ Cambria McMillan-Zopf, on set w/ Tim Kaiser, Feralcatscan & Khate Reutling, & Tater Fraterabo. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. May 21, 2017.
  • Sound Poems. Performed solo poems from scores and improvised, and as part of Stool Sample, on set w/ If Not I Who Then (Jonas Fricke) & C. McMillan-Zopf. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Jan. 23, 2017.
  • Stool Sample. Performed w/ R. Eaton, J. Vasylenko, W. Katastrof, & W. Fry, on set w/ Cilla Vee, Moths, Cambria McMillan-Zopf, & Second Order Logic. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Oct. 19, 2016.
  • Sound Poems. Performed solo and as part of Stool Sample (R. Eaton, J. Vasylenko, W. Katastrof, & J. Leftwich) on set w/ Elka Bong (Walter Wright & Al Margolis), & Jules Vasylenko. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Sept. 19, 2016.
  • Profanity Poems & Improvised Poem. Performed on set with Agrofemme, Ian Deléon, Wild Torus, & Mr. Thursday. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Sept. 17, 2016.
  • Arthur Dies. Performed 40-minute selection from epic poem (see 'Autonomous Books'), w/accompaniment by B. Chriss & W. Fry. AfterMAF 2016, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 9, 2016.
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed simultaneous poems scored by self & others; w/J.M. Bennett, Michael Peters, C.M. Bennett, Reid Wood, W. Fry, T. Butkovic, B. Chriss, Bill Beamer, & E. Damerow. AfterMAF 2016, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 8, 2016.
  • Thrash Poems. Performed three scripted sound poems and improvised sub-lettrist piece at AfterMAF 2016, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 8, 2016.
  • Stool Sample. Performed immersive noise piece w/ Ralph Eaton, Jules Vasylenko, T. Butkovic & W. Fry. AfterMAF 2016, Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 7–9, 2016.
  • Simultaneous Poems. Performed three sets w/W. Fry, W. Katastrof, B. Chriss, J. Woodstock & Sydney Barton, at AfterMAF Festival. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 7–9, 2016.
  • Improvised Noise Poem. Performed a-capella noise set w/acoustic instruments, on set with Pretend It Didn't Happen, W. Fry & W. Katastrof. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. May 21, 2016.
  • Dadaniversary. Performed poems by Huelsenbeck, Lacroix, and Tzara w/ W. Fry & W. Katastrof, & in Regurgitator; on set w/ Valerie Kuehne & the Wasps' Nests, Cambria McMillan-Zopf, and Jules Vasylenko. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 5, 2016.
  • Winter Art Rat Magic. Performed "Angular Fugue," Nodier's "Invention", & improvised sound poem, on bill w/ Ada Hao, J. Vasylenko, B. Chriss, Mr. Thursday & C. Cobb. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Dec. 20, 2015.
  • Simultaneous Poems. Performed set with W. Fry & W. Katastrof on bill w/ Jack Wright & Zach Darrup, Jules Vasylenko, Moths, & Mark Perry. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Nov. 14, 2015.
  • September Per5ance. Performed solo set & with Regurgitator group on bill w/ Crank Sturgeon, PVRC (Matt Taggart), John Thursday, & Jules Vasylenko. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Sept. 29, 2015.
  • Regurgitator. Three-piece noise band on bill w/ Phurnne, Accidental Seabirds, Jules Vasylenko, & Mark Perry.  Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. Aug. 18, 2015.
  • Regurgitator. Three-piece noise band performed on bill w/ Flandrew Fleisenberg, Jules Vasylenko, Moths, & C. Jones. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 25, 2015.
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed as part of Be Blank Consort, w/J.M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, Michael Peters, W. Fry, T. Butkovic, J. Mathews, & B. Chriss.
  • AfterMAF Day 2. 30 min. set of sound poetry. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 11, 2015. 
  • AfterMAF Day 1. 30 min. set of sound poetry. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. July 10, 2015.
  • Mr. Goggleface, Bit, Etc. 30 min. set of sound poetry on bill with Divine Circles, Aerial Ruin, & W. Fry. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. June 11, 2015.
  • Nothe Paark. Performed 30 min. set of sound poetry on bill w/ Lunar Creature, Gardener, & W. Fry. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA. March 23, 2015.
  • Blacker Friday. Performed set of three sound poems on bill with W. Fry, Charlotte Jones, & Cat Mob. Art Rat Studios, Roanoke VA. Dec. 12, 2015.
  • The Ursonate. Performed hour-long sound poem by K. Schwitters, & collaborations w/Catherine Mehrl Bennett & J.M. Bennett. Wood.Metal.Art. Gallery, Columbus, OH. July 25, 2014.
  • The Ursonate. w/Chris Lennard. Interpretted, arranged & performed hour-long performance of Schwitters' Ursonate for co-ordinated voice and percussion. Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival: June McBroom Theatre, Roaonoke, VA. March 28, 2014.
  • Post-NeoAbsurdist Performance Poems. Performed various pieces solo and in collaboration w/ W. Fry, W. Katastrof, & others. Akademgorod, Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival: Roanoke, VA. March 27-28, 2014.
  • Lettristic Poem. Performed audience-scored poem at opening of Letterhead exhibition. Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival Street Party: Gallery 108, Roanoke, VA. March 27, 2014.
  • Liminal Reading Series. Regular contributor to monthly literary reading. Liminal Gallery, Roanoke, VA. Sept. 2013-Present
  • The Jaundice King. Read short passage from novella during Vaudeville Event at Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. June M. McBroom Theater, Roanoke VA. March 30, 2013.
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed as part of Be Blank Consort, w/J.M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, T.J. Anderson, W. Fry, Bill Beamer, & T. Butkovic.
  • Don't You Fucking Smile. w/W. Fry & T. Butkovic. Performed 30-min. simultaneous poem by D.B. Edwards at the Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Philosophy Inc @ the Boxley Building, Roanoke, VA. March 28, 2013.
  • Cycles. Untitled, hour-long action; in coordination with W. Fry & Tif Robinette. At event organized by Amanda Agricola. Roanoke, VA. March 23, 2013.
  • Untitled Set. Collaborative Noise-Poem w/T. Butkovic, using texts by R. Altemus, J. Leftwich, O. Lindsann, N. Vassilakis, & C. Schuldiner, on bill w/ Morgan Evans-Weiler. [Exclamations], Roanoke, VA. July 1, 2012.
  • L'oeuf. Performed in/umpired durational piece/game by Claire Elizabeth Barratt. {Re}Happenings, Black Mountain, NC. April 7, 2012.
  • Reading Event. Instigated/Facilitated collective activity. Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 20, 2012.
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed as part of Be Blank Consort, w/J.M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, Reid Wood, W. Fry, & Rebecca Weeks. Liminal Gallery, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 18, 2012.
  • Untitled Ceremonial Poem. Along with various other poems & actions with Post-NeoAbsurdist and Fluxus groups at Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Exclamations, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 17, 2012.
  • Improvisation w/Adriana de los Santos & Andrea Pensado. Water Heater, Roanoke, VA. Aug. 24, 2011.
  • Best of No Shame Theater: Spring 2011. Performed two sketches. Mill Mountain Theater, Roanoke, VA. April 8-9, 2011.
  • Be Blank Consort. Performed as part of Be Blank Consort, w/J.M. Bennett, T. Cassidy, W. Fry, S. Adrian, & J.A. Bennett. Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA. March 6, 2011.
  • Philosophy Inc Holiday Special. Performed two sketches at event organised by Matt Ames. Shadowbox Micro-Cinema, Roanoke, VA. Dec. 29, 2010.
  • Best of No Shame Theater: Fall 2010. Performed two sketches. Mill Mountain Theater, Roanoke, VA. Oct. 23-24, 2010.
  • Thomas L. Taylor Memorial Reading. w/J.M. Bennett, W. Fry, S. Murphy, Tom Cassidy, F.A. Nettlebeck,  & M. Peters. Avant-Writing Symposium, Ohio State University. Columbus, OH, Aug. 21, 2010.
  • Cementimental. Collaborative noise performance with Tim Drage. The Others, London, UK. June 15, 2010.
  • Narcoleptic Squirrel Automaton Take 7. w/T. Butkovic, W. Fry, & Lexoe (Alex Fiory). Performed premier of simultaneous poem by T. Butkovic. Mason Gross Gallery, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, NJ. April 1, 2010.
  • Set of 2 Bruitist Poems on bill w/Lexoe, Blessed Sacrifice, & Hollow Man. Grind Central Station, New Brunswick, NJ. March 3, 2010.
  • Don't You Fucking Smile. w/W. Fry & T. Butkovic. Performed premier of simultaneous poem poem by D.B. Edwards at the 3rd Annual Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Community High School. Feb. 14, 2010.
  • Participated in premier of Inlaid Stoic Roadbed, oratorio for trumpet and voices, by Billy Bob Beamer at the 3rd Annual Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Community High School. Feb. 14, 2010.
  • Song for the Bride of the Leper King. Performed bruitist poem as part of the third annual Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Community High School, Roanoke, VA. Feb. 13, 2010. (Track 6 on link)
  • 2nd Annual Marginal Arts Parade. w/W. Fry, T. Butkovic, & J. Mathews. Participated in DIY community parade organized by R. Eaton. Roanoke, VA. Feb. 13, 2010.
  • 20-minute set of a-capella noise / bruitist poetry alongside Jack Callahan, Panther Modern, & Joe Ruck. Oromancer, New Brunswick, NJ. Dec. 17, 2009.
  • Huntington Poetry Club. Participant in bi-weekly readings. New Brunswick, NJ. Oct.-Dec. 2009.
  • Song For the Bride of the Leper King. 20-min. set at 'Labor Day Noise' show alongside M. Concave, Lexoe, Hollow Man, & Panther Modern. Grind Central Station, New Brunswick, NJ. Sept. 7, 2009.
  • Now That's Entertainment. Action w/W. Fry & J. Mathews. The Waterpod, New York, NY. Aug. 15, 2009.
  • Le Morte d'Arthur. 25-min. reading from Sir Thomas Mallory's text at BarBarBarian Trifectum event. Oromancer, New Brunswick, NJ. July 25, 2009.
  • Encyclopedia-Salesman Sketch. Vaudeville routine w/W. Fry at High Noon event. Oromancer, New Brunswick, NJ. May 24, 2009.
  • 2009 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Readings and performances w/ W.Fry, T. Butkovic, E. Damerow, M. Blafas, B. Chriss, & J. Mathews. Feb. 21-22, 2009.
  • Be Blank Consort. Guest performer w/group, & solo performance of Tzara's White Giant Leper of the Countryside. Artichoke's, New Brunwick, NJ. Nov. 8, 2008.
  • Rape Van. (A. Andrews & M. Cooper.) Guest performer for musical set. International Post-NeoAbsrdist Anti-Festival, Oromancer, New Brunswick, NJ. June 22, 2008.
  • Set of electronically distorted and manipulated vocals with N. Hallam. International Post-NeoAbsrdist Anti-Festival, Oromancer, New Brunswick, NJ. June 21, 2008.
  • Plane. Performed Huelsenbeck score at International Post-NeoAbsrdist Anti-Festival. Oromancer, New Brunswick, NJ. June 14, 2008.
  • Beowulf. (w/W. Fry) Simultaneous reading of passage from Beowulf in Old and Modern English. Oromancer, New Brunswick, NJ. June 14, 2008.
  • Ballyhoo. (w/W.Fry & T.Butkovic) Reading of poems by David Beris Edwards. Lost & Found Gallery, New Brunswick, NJ. April 12, 2008
  • Prayer for the Poison-Child. Phonetic poem; and Medicinal Poems (by T.L.Taylor, H.Ball-Rat, D.B.Edwards, and others) performed w/W.Fry & T.Butkovic. Lost & Found Gallery, New Brunswick, NJ. March 13, 2008.
  • The Disappearance of Imogene Engine. Reading of Engine's work as part of Fiddlesticks series. PNA HQ, New Brunswick, NJ. March 8, 2008.
  • Bosch on Ice. Co-organizer of 'Hell' & performer. Protec Hockey Rink, New Brunswick, NJ. March 1, 2008.
  • 2008 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Readings and performances. Feb. 2-3, 2008.
  • Be Blank Consort. Guest performer w/group. Bowery Poetry Club, New York, NY, Nov. 7, 2008.
  • Camberwell Arts Festival / London Bienniele. 2 poems and remote-collaborative piece w/ Post-Neo Syndicate as part of one.c. Area 10 Project Space, London, England. July 1, 2006.
  • One Night Stanza. Set of performance poems in support of main set by Mike McGhee. Barrel House, Totnes, Devon. June 28, 2006.
  • Synapse 2 Launch. Organized and participated in Anti-Reading w/D.B. Edwards, Alan Reed, Amy Oliver, and others. Dartington College of Arts, Devon. June 27, 2006.
  • Whip 6. Noise set w/N. Hallam. Dartington College of Arts, Devon. June 26, 2006.
  • H.P. Lovecraft Festival. w/N. Hallam. Electronically manipulated phoneticthulic poems. King Ludd Bookshop, Exeter, Devon. June 22, 2006.
  • Whip 5. Reading from unpublished manuscript Galatea. Dartington College of Arts, Devon. March 6, 2006.
  • one.c Goes to the Cavern. w/N. Waldbaum. Performed poems by Lindsann and J. Bennett, including collaborative piece, on program w/ Low Profile, N. Rose, L. Yeates, M. Greenwood, K. Wynne, R. Chaloner, N. Waldbaum, D. d’Emilia, D. Paranyushkin, Vatican X-Ray Dept., The Toretz, Dirty Protest, Freaks Union. Cavern Club, Exeter, Devon. May 14, 2006.
  • Concourse. Served as ambasador of the Post-NeoAbsurdist Movement in the premier of D. Edwards’ Contrarealist play The Drastically Unequal Distribution of Lizards. Dartington College of Arts, Devon, UK. March 10, 2006.
  • Whip 3. Completed action. Dartington College of Arts, Devon. March 6, 2006.
  • One.c Goes to Exeter. Performed four poems at event with Sponge Collective, Liam Yeats, Ula Daijerling. King Ludd, Exeter, U.K. Jan. 21, 2006.
  • Set of 7 bruitist and phonetic poems by Lindsann, Huelsenbeck, Ball, & Fry on programme with R. Inhuman, M. Concave, Ultra//Vires, & the Wild Gunmen. Art Damage, Cincinnati, OH. Dec. 21, 2005.
  • Whip 2. Performed Richard Huelsenbeck’s “Plane”. Dartington College of Arts, Devon, UK. Oct. 31, 2005.
  • Concourse. Debuted phonetic poem, Prayer for the Poison-Child and various unannounced pieces. Dartington College of Arts, Devon, UK. Nov. 25, 2005.
  • Whip 1. Performed Phonetic Poem. Dartington College of Arts, Devon, UK. Oct. 31, 2005.
  • Set of performance poems on programme w/ Jessica Rylan & Three-Legged Race. Charles Mansion, Lexington, KY. July 29, 2005.
  • Thrash Poems and Other Questionable Forms. w/Catharsism of Narcotica. Cincinnati Fringe Festival, Cincinnati, OH. June 2 & 9, 2005 (Official Band of the Cincinnati Fringe Festival).
  • Hymn to Dionysius. Phonic Poem performed in support of Auk Theatre. BLD, Columbus, OH. April 2, 2005.
  • Orphic Ode. 25-minute Phonic Poem. Jung House Gallery, Columbus, OH. April 2, 2005.
  • Dissemination. w/B. Chriss & A. Andrews. Simultaneous poems. Keruac Cafe Gallery, Columbus, OH. March 25, 2005.
  • Brutal Cincinnati Damage Festival. w/Catharsism of Narcotica. Set of thrash-poems & improvised simultaneous poem w/ B. Chriss. Mockbee Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. Jan. 29, 2005.
  • Learn to Time Travel NOW. w/A. Andrews. BLD Studios, Columbus, OH. Oct. 9, 2004.
  • 2 Performances w/Catharsism of Narcotica. Cincinnati Fringe Festival, Cincinnati, OH. May 13-19, 2004.

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