Published Translations
All translations are from the French, unless otherwise noted.
- Gloomful Poem, by Alphonse Allais. Translator & Editor. 2 pp, mOnocle-Lash. Jan. 2025.
- Four Partings: A Micro-Anthology, Editor & Translator of Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Léocadie Penquer, & Philothée O'Neddy. (Persall in English original). 6 pp, mOnocle-Lash. Dec. 2025.
- The Revenant Salon: A Zine for Posthumous Conversations, No. 1. translations of Alphonse Karr's "A Rant on Newspeak from Les Guêpes", Nina de Villard's "Illustrated News", Théodore Fraenkel's "Dada Bulletins", & the International Dada Calendar from Dada #7. mOnocle-Lash, Dec. 2024. Limited Edition of 20 copies.
- A Dream, by Xavier Forneret. Translator & Editor. 16 pp., (printed on recto only) mOnocle-Lash, Nov. 2024.
- Cervantes in Madrid, and Other Texts, by Alphonse Brot. Editor, Translator, & Critical Biographer. 32 pp., mOnocle-Lash, Nov. 2024.
- The Phalanxes of Babel: Selected Texts from an Outlaw of Thought, 1828-1844, by Philothée O’Neddy. Editor, Critical Biographer, & Co-Translator w/Jonah Durning-Hammond. 48 pp., mOnocle-Lash, July 2024.
- Proverb, edited by Paul Eluard. 6 pp. Brief texts by Eluard, Jean Paulhan, Francis Picabia, Théodore Fraenkel, Louis Aragon, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Isadora Duncan, Paul Dermée, Jean Cocteau, Tristan Tzara, Jacques-Émile Blanche, Philippe Soupault, & Walter Serner. Translator & Introduction. mOnocle-Lash, July 2024.
- The Magistrate’s Douche Ascendant: Three Splenetic Sonnets, by Laurent Tailhade. 3 pp. Translation of three sonnets. mOnocle-Lash, July 2024.
- Paradise Rediscovered: Poem from the Source, by Léocadie Penquer. mOnocle-Lash, March 2024. Pamphlet.
- Choice Morsels from the Bouzingos: An Avant-Romanticist Sampler of Horror, Transgression, and Cultural Anarchy. Editor & Primary Translator. Ten translations of Pétrus Borel, Philothée O'Neddy, Alphonse Esquiros, Théophile Gautier, Augustus Mac-Keat, Alphonse Brot, & Gérard de Nerval, and Historico-Critical Introduction & Textual Apparatus. mOnocle-Lash, March 2024.
- Rêvenance 10. Translations of Pétrus Borel, Arthur Rimbaud, Abdullah Cevdet, Mélanie Waldor, Francis Vielé-Griffin, Germaine Albert-Birot, & Alfred de Musset. mOnocle-Lash, Oct. 2023.
- Otoliths #69. print & online versions, ed. Mark Young. Translation of Chapter 2 of Screwdrive by Céline Arnaud. April 2023.
- Otoliths #68. print & online versions, ed. Mark Young. Three translations: "696666...6 9..." by Guillaume Apollinaire, "Synthetic Criticism" by Pierre Reverdy, & Chapter 1 of Screwdrive by Céline Arnaud. Feb. 2023.
- Lycanthropy: Some Shreds Torn from 'Rhapsodies', by Petrus Borel. 2nd Edition Expanded & Revised. Editor, Critical Biography, & Co-Translator w/Raymond E. André III, & John Robertson. 47 pp, mOnocle-Lash. Dec. 2022. (1st Ed: Aug. 2014).
- Rearward Enigma: Three Poems, by Céline Arnaud. mOnocle-Lash, Nov. 2022. Pamphlet.
- Otoliths #67. print & online versions, ed. Mark Young. Two avant-romanticist translations: "Sonnet: Epigraph" by Paul de Rességuier & two chapters ("Navigation" & "Apparition") from The King of Bohemia's Seven Castles by Charles Nodier. Nov. 2022.
- 391, Issue 10. "The Bicycle Archbishop" , "Gutta Percha" & untitled quatrain by Francis Picabia; "High Fashion Mr. AA the Antiphilosopher" by Tristan Tzara; "To Francis Picabia" by Guillaume Apollinaire; "Music Range and the Dim-witted Crocodile" by Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes; Gabrielle Buffet, "Portrait Dedicated to the Spanish"; and Albert Gleizes, "Circular Voyage". mOnocle-Lash Revenant ReIssue #1, Nov. 2022. Pamphlet.
- Untitled [Dada Vispo] Broadside. "Bomb Collapse to Isles under the Wind, Filmed in 3 Parts by a Surviving Canac" by Clement Pansaers, "Deception: poem for three voices" by Philippe SOUPAULT, & "A Stern Word - No. 58" by Paul Eluard. mOnocle-Lash, Aug. 2022. Broadside.
- Otoliths #66. print & online
versions, ed. Mark Young. Four Translations of Dada Texts,
'The Devil's Tail's a Bike' by Tristan Tzara, 'Portrait Dedicated to
the Spanish' by Gabrielle Buffet, 'Matachin Songs' by Céline Arnauld,
and 'Zut' by Paul Dermée. July 2022.
- The Black Scat Review #25. Translation of Clement Marot, 'The Pretty Titty". Black Scat Press. May 2022.
- To Danton, by Louis-Xavier de Ricard. mOnocle-Lash, Feb. 2022. Pamphlet.
- Nero: Prince of Science, by Berthe de Courrière. mOnocle-Lash, Feb. 2022. Pamphlet.
- The Ballad of Rhymers, Three Times Bad, by Fernand Clerget. Dual translations, one straightforward and the other homophonic. mOnocle-Lash TLP, Sept. 2021. 6 pp.
- The Pomegranate and the Rose, by Irène Hillel-Erlanger, a.k.a. Claude Lorrey; Preface by Louis Aragon. mOnocle-Lash, Sept. 2021. 30 pp.
- Rêvenance 9. Translations of Laurent Tailhade, "Sardine Chauvinism" & "Third Sex"; Jean Lorraine, "Barons"; Léon Valade, "The Bead of Blood"; Alphonse Esquiros, "The Sabbat"; Berthe de Courrière, "Nero, Prince of Science"; Irène Hillel-Erlanger, "Translucent" & "Aridity"; & Pierre Albert-Birot, "Marked Path". mOnocle-Lash, Sept. 2021.
- Geriatrics Before the Hearth, by Rachilde. mOnocle-Lash. July 2021. 6 pp.
- Otoliths #61. print & online
versions, ed. Mark Young. Two translations from the Zutiste Notebook, 'Drunk Driver' by Rimbaud and 'But lastly, c' (anonymous). May 2021.
- Synapse #5. Translations of Pierre Albert-Birot's "The Bird" (1917) and Petrus Borel's "Burn" (1831). mOnocle-Lash. March 2021.
- Poems to Shout and Dance: Performance Poems, 1916-1920, by Pierre Albert-Birot. mOnocle-Lash. Jan. 2021. 47 pp.
- Get It Into Gear! A deMandual for Cyclists, by Alphonse Allais. mOnocle-Lash. Jan. 2021. Pamphlet.
- The Black Scat Review #21. Print Journal, ed. Norman Conquest. Translations of Charles Rosières, 'The Country on the Moon" & passages from Charles Nodier's The King of Bohemia's Seven Castles. Black Scat Press. Jan. 2021.
- Life! (1920), by Valentine de Saint-Point. mOnocle-Lash TLP. Aug. 2020. Pamphlet.
- Otoliths #58. print & online versions, ed. Mark Young. Translations of Pierre Albert-Birot's "Metro" and "Poem for Shouting and Dancing No. 3". July 2020.
- Rêvenance 8. Translations of Anonymous Paris Dadaist, "Disc: Cénacles"; Auguste Bouzenot, "The Durga"; Gérard de Nerval, "Letter from Prison" and "Politics 1832"; Anaïs Ségalas, "A Death's Head"; Louis Aragon, "Review of Eluard's The Animals and Their Men"; Tristan Tzara, "House", & Ribemont-Dessaignes, "Pneumatic". mOnocle-Lash. June 2020.
- The Acetylene Eye: Dada Texts 1915-1922, by Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes. mOnocle-Lash. March 2020. 39 pp.
- Two Poems: "Poverty: An Ode" & "Groan" (c.1835), by Amable Tastu. mOnocle-Lash. Pamphlet.
- The Black Scat Review #18. Print journal, ed. Norman Conquest. Translations of "Charmin' Party" by Verlaine & Rimbaud, and "Debauchery" by Gautier. Black Scat Press. Nov. 2019.
- The in-Appropriated Press #16. "An Prompt You" (1920) by George Ribemont-Dessaignes. mOnocle-Lash. Nov. 2019.
- Rêvenance 7. Translations of Nina de Callias, "The Young God's Jealousy" & "Tristan and Iseult"; Léocadie Penquer, "The Liar"; Fernand Clerget, "The Bad Rhymers' Ballad"; Léon Valade, "Pantomime". mOnocle-Lash. Sept. 2019.
- Cartomancy (1921) by André Salmon. Translated and edited Cubist poem cycle with accompanying woodcuts by Apa. mOnocle-Lash. Feb. 2019.
- Rêvenance 5. Translations
of Philothée O'Neddy, "Incantation"; Marceline Debord-Valmore, "Lyon 1834"; The Mapah Ganneau, "Manifesto for Electoral Reform"; Gustave Karr, "Random Stuff", from Les Guêpes; J.-C. Sailer, "To My Friend"; J. Grand-Carteret, Bibliographic Notice on The Anti-Concierge; Arthur Verneuil, Untitled article from The Anti-Concierge; & Four anonymous articles on the Pipelets of Paris, 1882–1900. mOnocle-Lash. Oct. 2018.
- Rêvenance 4. Translations of 1833 Court report on the Badouillards; The Magna Carta of the Badouillards; Théophile Gautier, "Sonnet VII"; the Princess de Salm, "The Blindness of the Century" and "A Burn, on Female Writers"; Georges d'Heylli, "Some neologisms"; passages from Lucien Rigaut, Dictionary of Modern Slang and Privat d'Anglemont, Paris Anecdote. mOnocle-Lash. July 2018.
- Rêvenance 3. Translations of Alphonse Allais, "Drawbacks of Excessed Baudelairism; Alphonse Karr, Untitled article on Romanticist celebrity candies; Amable Tastu, "Groan"; Théophile Gautier, "A Line of Wordsworth's"; Auguste Maquet & Alboize Pujol, "Libertines and Revolutionaries in the French Prisons" (from Histories of the Dungeon of Vincennes and the Bastille); Philothée O'Neddy, "Succubus"; Letter from Célestin Nanteuil to Léon Clopet; and Monte-Naken, "On the Tomb of a Great Desperado". mOnocle-Lash. Jan. 2018.
- Rêvenance 2. Translations of Marceline Debordes-Valmore, "Parted" ; Roger de Beauvoir, from Preface to The Chevalier de Saint-George ; Alphonse Karr, Found Text printed in Les Guêpes; Charles-Henry Hirsch, "Review of Maintenant No. 1"; Arthur Cravan, "Whistle"; and Francis Vielé-Griffin, "Trust". mOnocle-Lash. Aug. 2017.
- Rêvenance 1. Translations of Georges d'Heylli, "Forward to the Gazette Anecdotique"; Alphonse Karr, "Forward to Les Guêpes"; Alphonse Allais, "Some Figures"; & Gérard de Nerval, "Gothic Song". mOnocle-Lash. Sept. 2016.
- Baptism, Marriage (1838) by 'The Mapah' Simon Ganneau. Translated & Edited Evadamist polemic tract. mOnocle-Lash. Sept. 2015.
- Two Poems (1829), by Alphonse Brot. Translated & Edited 1829 French poems, w/performance score, biography & bibliography. mOnocle-Lash. Sept. 2015. Pamphlet.
- The Fairest Death' & 'Fanaticism' (1833), by Philothée O'Neddy. Translated w/John Payne & ed. mOnocle-Lash. Aug. 2014. Pamphlet.
- New Hamlet (2012), by Gleb Kolomiets & Inna Kirillova. Consulted on Kolomiets' translation from the Russian of his & Kirillova's play. 24 pp, mOnocle-Lash. March 2014.
Selected Authors translated in publication:
- Germaine Albert-Birot: 1 Essay/Performance Score
- Pierre Albert-Birot: 15 poems (+ translator's introduction)
- Alphonse Allais: 3 articles + 1 poem
- Guillaume Apollinaire: 2 poems
- Louis Aragon: 1 book review
- Céline Arnauld: 4 poems + 2 novel chapters
- Roger de Beauvoir: extracts from 1 essay
- Petrus Borel: 4 poems + 1 prose preface + 1 article extract + 3 co-translations (+ translator's introduction)
- Auguste Bouzenot: 1 essay
- Alphonse Brot: 4 poems + 1 short story + 1 manifesto/preface
- Gabrielle Buffet: 2 poems
- Abdullah Cevdet: 1 poem
- Fernand Clerget: 1 poem
- Berthe de Courrière: 1 poetic essay
- Arthur Cravan: 1 poem
- Marceline Debordes-Valmore: 2 poems
- Paul Dermée: 1 poem
- Paul Eluard: 1poem
- Alphonse Esquiros: 1 poem
- Xavier Forneret: 1 short story/prose-poem
- Théodore Fraenkel: 1 article
- The Mapah Ganneau: 2 polemic tracts
- Théophile Gautier: 3 poems
- Albert Gleizes: 1 poetic essay.
- Irène Hillel-Erlanger: 10 poems (+ translator's introduction)
- Charles-Henry Hirsch: 1 book review
- Georges d'Heylli: 2 articles
- Alphonse Karr: 6 articles
- Jean Lorraine: 1 poem
- Clément Marot: 1 poem
- Auguste Maquet (Augustus Mac-Keat): 1 poem + 1 essay extract
- Alfred de Musset: 1 poem
- Monte-Naken: 1 poem
- Célestin Nanteuil: 1 letter
- Gérard de Nerval: 4 poems + 1 article + 1 letter
- Charles Nodier: 4 detached novel chapters
- Philothée O'Neddy (Théophile Dondey): 10 poems + 1 prose preface + 1 letter (+ translator's introduction)
- Clément Pansaers:1 poem
- Léocadie Penquer: 1 poem
- Francis Picabia: 3 poems
- Privat d'Anglement: 1 book extract
- Léocadie Penquer: 1 poem
- Alboize de Pujol: 1 book extract
- Rachilde: 1 prose poem sequence
- Paul de Rességuier: 1 poem
- Pierre Reverdy: 1 essay-poem
- Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes: 18 poems + 5 essays (+ translator's introduction)
- Louis-Xavier de Ricard: 1 poem
- Arthur Rimbaud: 3 poems
- Charles Rosières: 1 poem
- J.-C. Sailer: 1 poem
- Valentine de Saint-Point: 1 poem
- Constance de Salm: 2 poems
- André Salmon: 10-part poem cycle
- Anaïs Ségalas: 1 poem
- Laurent Tailhade: 3 poems
- Amable Tastu: 2 poems
- Tristan Tzara: 3 poems
- Léon Valade: 2 poems
- Paul Verlaine: 1 poem
- Francis Vielé-Griffin: 1 poem + 1 essay
- Nina de Villard (aka de Callias): 3 poems
- Mélanie Waldor: 1 poem
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