Saturday, 21 December 2024

 This should have been reposted here a few weeks ago but... c'est la vie. I prepared all of these for publication of course; translated two, wrote introductory essays for two, edited one, and oversaw the writing of one as a teacher.

FIVE NEW RELEASES from mOnocle-Lash!
A backlog of publications due for late summer release has been steadily growing, and at last has exploded into a burst of print. Let the books flow! Info & Purchase HERE!
Perfect-bound collection of Plays which break not only the fourth walls, but all of them. In fact really, there’s nothing but the Trap-Door.
A fun and meticulous scholarly comic sharing field research into zine communities in South East Asia.
A sizeable chapbook of finely-wrought poems from the forgotten American poet and social worker, her first reprinting in 80 years.
A hefty Revenant Editions chapbook of prose and verse by the obscure Bouzingo co-founder, his first work reprinted in any language for over 120 years.
A slim chapbook of gothic, onieric prose-poetry by one of the most eccentric provocateurs of Frenetic Romanticism; printed, as per his instructions, on the recto side only of each page.

Monday, 16 December 2024

mOnocle-Lash at the Blacksburg Book, Art, & Zine Fair

I'm overwhelmed with schoolwork, but somehow made it out to the Blacksburg Book, Art, and Zine Fair this weekend on Dec. 14, with both Monocle-Lash Anti-Press and the CHS Zine Club. It was a great event as always, though the timing was rather tragic since it was during the school play and right before exams, so students and faculty alike are run ragged and behind on everything; so I and the zine fest representatives (only two could make it, one an alumnus) were pretty exhausted. Lots of long conversations with returning tablers from last year, people I know through the underground or from repeat visits to this event each year, and interesting new people. Distributed roughly 50-60 books.
Of all the zine fests I've attended, this one hands-down wins the prize for most animal-parts! Lots of jewelry made (by multiple craftspeople) from taxidermied roadkill, and a full coyote pelt. I wasn't traded any bones for zines this year, as I have in the past, though.
I've included a photo of the mOnocle-Lash table getting set up, since I'm aware that people other than me like photos...